None of the content in this whitepaper constitutes legal, financial, commercial, or tax advice. Before engaging in any activities related to this, you should consult your own legal, financial, commercial, or other professional advisors. The staff of the community, project development team members, third-party development organizations, and service providers shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damages and losses that may arise from the use of this whitepaper. This whitepaper is provided for general informational purposes only and does not constitute a prospectus, offering document, securities offering, solicitation for investment, or the sale of any products, goods, or assets (whether digital or otherwise) of any kind. The information provided below may not be exhaustive and does not imply the presence of any contractual elements.
The whitepaper cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information and does not warrant or promise the accuracy and completeness of the information provided. In cases where the whitepaper includes information obtained from third parties, the community and team have not independently verified the accuracy and completeness of such information. Furthermore, you should be aware that the surrounding environment and circumstances may change at any time, rendering this whitepaper outdated. The community is under no obligation to update or correct any content or documents related to this.
Any part of this whitepaper does not and will not constitute an offer from the community, distributors, or any sales team (as defined in this agreement), nor can the contents stated in the whitepaper be relied upon as a basis for any contracts or investment decisions. Any content contained in this whitepaper should not be construed as statements, commitments, or guarantees of future performance. By accessing and using this whitepaper or any of its contents, you provide the following assurances to the community, its affiliates, and your team:
You have not relied on any statement in this whitepaper when making any decision to purchase tokens.
โ You voluntarily assume the costs and ensure compliance with all applicable laws, regulatory requirements, and restrictions applicable to you.
โ You acknowledge, understand, and agree that tokens may have no value, are not guaranteed, and do not represent any value or liquidity and cannot be used for speculative investments.
โ The community, its affiliates, and team members are not responsible or liable for the value, transferability, liquidity, or any market for Green Meta provided through third parties or other means.
โ You acknowledge, understand, and agree that if you are a citizen, national, resident, domicile, or green card holder of a geographical area or country that meets the following conditions, you are not eligible to purchase any tokens:
i. The sale of tokens may be defined or interpreted as the sale of securities (regardless of their name) or investment products.
ii. The sale of tokens is prohibited by law, policy, regulation, treaty, or administrative regulation in countries and regions where tokens are prohibited.
The community and team will not make any representations, warranties, or commitments to any entity or individual, and hereby disclaim any liability (including, but not limited to, the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, and reliability of the content of this whitepaper and any other materials published by the community). To the fullest extent permitted by law, the community, related entities, and service providers shall not be liable for any non-direct, special, incidental, indirect, or other forms of loss or liability (including, but not limited to, any claims arising from breach or negligence, loss of income and profits, and loss of use and data) resulting from the use of the content of the whitepaper, related community materials, and any other form of presentation (including any errors or omissions) arising therefrom. Potential buyers should carefully consider and assess all risks and uncertainties (including financial, legal, and uncertainties) related to the sale, community, distributors, and team.
The information provided in this whitepaper is for community discussion purposes only and does not have legal binding force. No one is obligated to enter into any contract or legally binding commitment to purchase Green Meta based on this whitepaper. Furthermore, this whitepaper does not accept any form of virtual currency or other forms of payment. The buying and selling agreement of tokens and the long-term holding of tokens must comply with a set of independent terms or a purchase agreement containing relevant terms and conditions (as appropriate), which will be provided separately or can be obtained from the website. In the event of any inconsistencies between these terms and conditions and this whitepaper, the terms and conditions shall prevail.
The regulatory authorities have not reviewed or approved any information listed in this whitepaper, nor are there any requirements or regulations in any jurisdiction that require or will require such review or approval. The publication, distribution, or dissemination of this whitepaper does not imply compliance with applicable laws, regulations, or rules. This is merely a conceptual whitepaper describing the visionary development goals of Green Meta to be researched and developed. This whitepaper may be modified or replaced from time to time. There is no obligation to update the whitepaper or provide additional information beyond the scope of this whitepaper to the audience.
All statements, press releases, publicly accessible statements, and oral statements made by the community and Green Meta team may constitute forward-looking statements (including related intent statements and confidence and expectations regarding the current market conditions, business strategies and plans, financial conditions, specific provisions, and risk management decisions). Please note that excessive reliance should not be placed on these forward-looking statements as they involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other multiple factors that may cause future actual results to differ significantly from the contents described in these forward-looking statements. Additionally, it should be noted that there has been no independent third-party review and assessment of the reasonableness of these statements and assumptions. These forward-looking statements apply only as of the date shown in this whitepaper, and the community and Green Meta team expressly disclaim any liability (whether express or implied) for the consequences or events arising from the revision of these forward-looking statements after that date.
The use of any company or platform names or trademarks (except content related to the community or its affiliates) does not imply any affiliation or endorsement by these third-party platforms and companies. Specific companies and platforms mentioned in this whitepaper are for reference and illustration purposes only.
Last updated