Design Principles
Green Meta System Architecture is centered around carbon neutrality in the metaverse, aiming for a diverse and secure ecosystem development. It is designed based on the following principles:
1. Value Propagation
Principle Green Meta is value-oriented, showcasing a three-dimensional model that serves as a benchmark for carbon-neutral metaverse digital economy and tokenized asset incentives. In this model, all participants are interconnected within the ecosystem, demonstrating multidimensional value through various combinations of industrial applications within a single domain.
2. Autonomy Principle
We believe that decentralization should minimize external interventions and maintain the system's normal operation. By distributing power across numerous entities, individual productivity can be further unleashed. If the internet liberated productivity, decentralization takes it a step further by enabling consensus between individuals. Node autonomy is the principle that decentralization must adhere to.
3. Sustainability Principle
Information dissemination can create value by connecting the intrinsic value chain of encrypted assets, achieving sustainable development. It continuously generates new demands, products, and applications, driving iterative information updates in a virtuous cycle. The growth rate of information carriers depends not on the starting point's height but on the number of iterations. With more iterations driven by changing demands, the higher the system's maturity, influence, and intrinsic value chain's sustainability.
4. Efficiency Principle
Supported by the five BIGANT technologies: Pantanal public chain and blockchain, interactivity technology, game engine and twin engine technology, artificial intelligence, comprehensive intelligent network technology, and Internet of Things, Green Meta adopts dynamic sharding technology. This technology fragments network nodes based on transaction characteristics and node resource features, allowing each shard node to process only corresponding application requests. This sharding mechanism improves system processing speed and increases transactions per second (TPS).
To ensure the reliability of shard nodes, a dynamic mechanism will be implemented, where shard node members are not fixed but elected. Theoretically, the BIGANT technology can achieve a processing capacity of millions of transactions per second (TPS).
5. Tokenization Principle
Green Meta ensures fairness and trustworthiness in each step, including node candidacy for bookkeeping, data packaging, user service request access, distributed data processing, and distributed computing collaboration. It achieves true decentralization in the network ecosystem from a mechanistic perspective.
Green Meta aims to build a brand-new carbon-neutral metaverse system, serving as a potential internet value transmission protocol for the future world. It pushes forward the usability and practicality of the entire blockchain industry, combining cutting-edge technology with traditional business applications, bringing this technology into people's daily lives. Additionally, Green Meta will penetrate target industries, gaining market share and solid user support. Based on this foundation, it will gradually develop into a benchmark for carbon-neutral metaverse digital economy truly integrated with real-world business applications.
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