Green Meta DAO

Green Meta aims to create a transparent, intuitive, and wise governance framework that ensures a carbon-neutral metaverse DAO network not controlled by any individual or entity, rewarding actions aligned with the greater interests of the community. Green Meta is tirelessly searching for the necessary rules and mechanisms to create an unprecedented yet crucial governance system—the Green Meta DAO.

Under the governance of the DAO, Green Meta will achieve full decentralization and high consensus within the Web3.0 community. The newly launched decentralized autonomous organization initiated by Green Meta belongs to the specialized category of DAO, with a strong community consensus and 100% community self-management. After the project goes live, the community will vote to develop its own decentralized applications and DApps.

The value circulation and incentive mechanisms will be based on the CCM token, which serves as proof of value circulation and motivation. Smart contracts will determine the member collaboration relationships and benefit distribution models. There are no explicit identity distinctions among members, such as investors, developers, collaborators, operators, consumers, etc. Instead, they become part of the community by holding CCM tokens. Members can continuously optimize the contract structure to seek the shortest path, maintain efficient collaborative capabilities, and identify better development directions.

Within the community, all holders of CCM tokens have the right to participate in the Green Meta DAO. Following the principle of "one token, one vote," all community members collaborate to build a scientific governance system that achieves goal-oriented, process-driven, and outcome-focused DAO governance. Different users may have different voting weights. Exchange addresses are not eligible to vote. CCM token holders can engage in discussions related to the development of Green Meta DAO, such as community development matters, proposals regarding token economics, important model parameters of Green Meta, collaborations and partnerships, marketing activities, communication, and other marketing strategy-related issues.

In the community, all holders of CCM tokens have the right to participate in Green Meta DAO. Following the fundamental principle of "one token, one vote," all community members collaborate to establish a robust governance system that achieves goal-oriented, process-driven, and results-oriented DAO governance. Different users may have varying voting weights. Exchange addresses are not eligible to participate in voting. CCM token holders can engage in the following discussions that benefit the development of Green Meta DAO:

• Community development matters

• Proposals regarding token economics

• Key model parameters of Green Meta

• Collaborations and partnerships for Green Meta

• Marketing activities

• Communication and collaboration initiatives

• Other matters related to marketing strategies

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