Value and Application Paradigms

Interactivity has been steadily advancing in various fields of application. Examples include digital twins, holographic projection sandboxes, immersive interactive experience labs, holographic transparent screens, and holographic live streaming.

1. Digital Twins

VR, AR, MR, XR, and other hardware operating systems serve as gateways to enter the metaverse. They not only present realistic artistic effects but also allow users to interact directly as virtual avatars. The scale of the metaverse is directly influenced by the hardware facilities, while the underlying architecture determines the stability of its operation. The practical applications demonstrate the prospects and charm of the metaverse. To create a new virtual space close to reality, it is necessary to replicate and imitate the data of the physical world. However, storing the data of physical objects and releasing them in a virtual space, even with computer calculations, was almost impossible in the early stages of the metaverse, which remained in the realm of speculation. The emergence of digital twin technology has overcome this bottleneck. Digital twins possess characteristics such as interoperability, real-time capability, scalability, fidelity, and closed-loop functionality:

• Interoperability: Physical objects and digital spaces in digital twins can be bidirectionally mapped, dynamically interacted with, and connected. Therefore, digital twins have the ability to map physical entities to various digital models and convert and merge between different digital models.

• Real-time capability: Since digital twins aim to reproduce physical entities that change over time, they need to manage data in a way that can be recognized and processed by computers, i.e., digitization.

• Scalability: Digital twin technology has the ability to integrate, add, and replace digital models, as well as extend the content of models.

• Fidelity: Digital twins require virtual objects to not only highly simulate the geometric structure of physical entities but also simulate their states, phases, and temporal aspects, striving to ensure the similarity between digital virtual models and physical entities.

• Closed-loop functionality: The digital virtual body in digital twins is used to visualize the physical entity's visual model and internal mechanisms, monitor the physical entity's state data, perform analysis and inference, optimize process parameters and operating parameters, and make decisions. It uses a closed-loop system for both virtual and physical entities.

In digital twins, physical objects are first transformed into data, and then data and principles are modeled. The mechanism models and data-driven models in the digital twins learn and dynamically adjust themselves. Finally, the models are loaded into software to describe, diagnose, predict, and make decisions about physical objects.

Digital twins enable the feedback of real physical systems to virtual space digital models, thereby constructing realistic environments with rich details from real life and creating immersive experiences. The metaverse replicates and modifies the real world based on the logic of reality or illusions (such as surrealism and science fiction), presenting a "multiverse" in an open mode.

2. Other Applications

Immersive interactive technology is currently widely applied. In addition to digital twins, here are a few common applications such as holographic projection sandboxes, immersive interactive experience labs, holographic transparent screens, and holographic live streaming.

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